Saturday, January 11, 2014

Recycling Candle Jars

How I recycle my candle jars, step-by-step:

1. Save jars after burning candles.

2. Freeze the jars.

3. Stab at the extra wax with a knife and it should come out in chunks. I then save this to make new candles, but this can just be thrown out too.

4. Peel off any of the stickers that you can from the jars. 


5. Use Goo-Gone to remove the rest of the stickers.

6. Goo-Gone is also good for getting out the candle wick holders if they don't come off straight out of the freezer.

7. All done! Here are some jar ideas (buttons, yarn scraps, Splenda)... I also want to make jars for my body scrubs, coffee grounds, flax seeds, and popcorn kernals (: Enjoy!.

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